So, today's post is largely for myself. The opportunity to write down those park moments from this week that I want to hang on to:
Mama and Daddy Geese and their 6 little goslings
Sliding down the fire pole by himself
Watching out for littler ones on the playground
Freckles appearing on the bridge of his nose
Rolling down the giant hill, then running back up only to do it again
Reading on a bench in the sun
"Will it sink or float?" at the duck pond
Sticks for whacking, throwing, carting home
"I did it!"
Head laying in my lap because he's hungry, and he can't play when he's hungry
Big belly laughs together
Magic spaceship plots and pirate chases
Gathering acorns
What-if and why and how come?
We love the park. It brings out the best in each of us. And speaking of which, it's time to head there now!