Monday, February 6, 2012

A Daybook Post...

Good things going on around here, but no time for a bigger post. So today here's a post from the Simple Woman's Daybook:


Outside my window the wind is howling, but the skies are clear.

I am thinking about friends and family far away.

I am thankful for quick healing of the little one. One day fevers I can handle.

In the kitchen are dishes ready to be put away.

I am wearing flannel pjs that have seen me through the last 15 years and are nearly perfect.

I am creating a cowl, some valentines, and a mess.

I am going back to work tomorrow armed with some favorite poetry.

I am wondering how early I can go to bed to read tonight.

I am reading The Language of Flowers, The Prosperous Heart

I am hoping to find the right buttons for a newly finished sweater.

I am looking forward to the day when the 30 minute run doesn't hurt any more.  I know it will come again, but  I'm just not there yet.

I am learning about light.  How to use it, love it, have it shape my photos.

Around the house are the sounds of Anthony Bourdain in Peru, the humidifier in the boys' room, and the purring of the cat.

I am pondering my next quilting project.

One of my favorite things is the calm at the end of a day when the to do list is mostly done.

A few plans for the rest of the week: sew, write, zumba.

A peek into my day...

1 comment:

  1. Very relaxing to read this lovely post, Megan... and i am glad to always finding something interesting to take up, inspired by you.

    well, let's see if i get to do my daybook post before the end of the month :)
